A Unique String
Given a lowercase alphabet string s, determine whether it has all unique characters.
Given a lowercase alphabet string s, determine whether it has all unique characters.
Given the head of a singly linked list head, return whether the values of the nodes are sorted in a strictly increasing order.
Given a list of integers nums, return whether there’s two numbers such that one is a triple of another.
You are given a two-dimensional list of integers reviews and a positive integer threshold. Each element reviews[i] contains [x, y] meaning product i had x nu...
Given a positive integer n, determine whether you can make n by summing up some non-negative multiple of 3 and some non-negative multiple of 7.
Given an integer n, return a list with each number from 1 to n, except if it’s a multiple of 3 or has a 3, 6, or 9 in the number, it should be the string "cl...
You are given an integer n consisting of digits 1, 2, and 3 and you can flip one digit to a 3. Return the maximum number you can make.